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Tuesday, July 22, 2014

WCF Tools

there is this tool SvcConfigEditor.exeThe Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) Service Configuration Editor (SvcConfigEditor.exe) allows administrators and developers to create and modify configuration settings for WCF services using a graphical user interface. With this tool, you can manage settings for WCF bindings, behaviors, services, and diagnostics without having to directly edit XML configuration files.

Service Trace Viewer Tool -  (SvcTraceViewer.exe) - Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) Service Trace Viewer Tool helps you analyze diagnostic traces that are generated by WCF. Service Trace Viewer provides a way to easily merge, view, and filter trace messages in the log so that you can diagnose, repair, and verify WCF service issues.

WCF Test Client (WcfTestClient.exe) - 
Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) Test Client (WcfTestClient.exe) is a GUI tool that enables users to input test parameters, submit that input to the service, and view the response that the service sends back. It provides a seamless service testing experience when combined with WCF Service Host.

Trace in WCF  - WCF Extensibility – System.Diagnostic Tracing

Yaniv Tzanany

Friday, July 18, 2014

Android Parse - how to unregistered from push service

The service automatically shuts down if it does not understand how to route pushes.
 If you call PushService.unsubscribe for all the channels for which you called PushService.subscribe. If you called PushService.setDefaultCallback, call it again passing null as the class.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Connect JMX into ActiveMQ

this is how to connect JMX to ActiveMQ via VisualVM.

edit the activemq.xml in the conf folder.

search for the node managementContext

set the createConnector="true" and add  connectorPort="XXXX",
XXX is a port number.

            <managementContext createConnector="true" connectorPort="1199"/>

open the VisualVM
add remote host if needed
add JMX connection


i liked to add the VisuaulVM Mbeans plugin - to send message to active mq


this how i can send messages into it

Yaniv Tzanany

Sunday, July 13, 2014

WebSphere PMI – Performance monitor

WebSphere PMI – Performance monitor

General settings
Make sure PMI is enabled

In the above screen you can control which level of logs the PMI would monitor , basic-extended-all or custom were you can choose your own statistics set.
Basic overhead up to 2%
_ Extended overhead up to 3%
_ All overhead of up to 6%
_ Custom will depend on the counters enabled but it is reasonable to expect
somewhere between 2%-6%

Runtime monitor
Open the current activity
Choose the statiscs you want to see
Click on the view modules – to see the graph .

You can log to file all the results to see it after

If you want to log to file – you can control on the log files

To see the logs
Browse to the tpv file – and click on the ViewLog button .

Extra details – and links could be found here:

Tuning performance


WebSphere Application Server Performance Tuning Toolkit

Yaniv Tzanany


Wednesday, July 9, 2014

How to read proguard stack trace

in case you want to analyze call stack - that is obfuscated by proguard here is the way.

  1. Open /tools/proguard/bin/proguardgui.bat
  2. Select the “ReTrace” option on the left column.
  3. Add your mapping file and obfuscated stack trace. --- this is the mapping.txt file that we keep per version 
  4. Click “ReTrace!

here is a sample 

Yaniv Tzanany